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Publication : ICE-like proteases in apoptosis.

First Author  Kumar S Year  1995
Journal  Trends Biochem Sci Volume  20
Issue  5 Pages  198-202
PubMed ID  7610484 Mgi Jnum  J:25555
Mgi Id  MGI:73271 Doi  10.1016/s0968-0004(00)89007-6
Citation  Kumar S (1995) ICE-like proteases in apoptosis. Trends Biochem Sci 20(5):198-202
abstractText  The discovery of structural and functional similarities between the product of the nematode cell-death gene ced-3 and mammalian interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme (ICE) is providing important insights into the molecular mechanism of apoptosis. This article summarizes the current knowledge of ICE and its homologues, and how these may be involved in regulating apoptosis.
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