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Publication : γδ T cells regulate the intestinal response to nutrient sensing.

First Author  Sullivan ZA Year  2021
Journal  Science Volume  371
Issue  6535 PubMed ID  33737460
Mgi Jnum  J:323336 Mgi Id  MGI:6705522
Doi  10.1126/science.aba8310 Citation  Sullivan ZA, et al. (2021) gammadelta T cells regulate the intestinal response to nutrient sensing. Science 371(6535)
abstractText  The intestine is a site of direct encounter with the external environment and must consequently balance barrier defense with nutrient uptake. To investigate how nutrient uptake is regulated in the small intestine, we tested the effect of diets with different macronutrient compositions on epithelial gene expression. We found that enzymes and transporters required for carbohydrate digestion and absorption were regulated by carbohydrate availability. The "on-demand" induction of this machinery required gammadelta T cells, which regulated this program through the suppression of interleukin-22 production by type 3 innate lymphoid cells. Nutrient availability altered the tissue localization and transcriptome of gammadelta T cells. Additionally, transcriptional responses to diet involved cellular remodeling of the epithelial compartment. Thus, this work identifies a role for gammadelta T cells in nutrient sensing.
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