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Publication : T-bet-dependent NKp46<sup>+</sup> innate lymphoid cells regulate the onset of T<sub>H</sub>17-induced neuroinflammation.

First Author  Kwong B Year  2017
Journal  Nat Immunol Volume  18
Issue  10 Pages  1117-1127
PubMed ID  28805812 Mgi Jnum  J:260267
Mgi Id  MGI:6140308 Doi  10.1038/ni.3816
Citation  Kwong B, et al. (2017) T-bet-dependent NKp46(+) innate lymphoid cells regulate the onset of TH17-induced neuroinflammation. Nat Immunol 18(10):1117-1127
abstractText  The transcription factor T-bet has been associated with increased susceptibility to systemic and organ-specific autoimmunity, but the mechanism by which T-bet expression promotes neuroinflammation remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate a cardinal role of T-bet-dependent NKp46(+) innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in the initiation of CD4(+) TH17-mediated neuroinflammation. Loss of T-bet specifically in NKp46(+) ILCs profoundly impaired the ability of myelin-reactive TH17 cells to invade central nervous system (CNS) tissue and protected the mice from autoimmunity. T-bet-dependent NKp46(+) ILCs localized in the meninges and acted as chief coordinators of meningeal inflammation by inducing the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases, which together facilitated T cell entry into CNS parenchyma. Our findings uncover a detrimental role of T-bet-dependent NKp46(+) ILCs in the development of CNS autoimmune disease.
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