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Publication : The Alternative NF-κB Pathway in Regulatory T Cell Homeostasis and Suppressive Function.

First Author  Grinberg-Bleyer Y Year  2018
Journal  J Immunol Volume  200
Issue  7 Pages  2362-2371
PubMed ID  29459403 Mgi Jnum  J:260924
Mgi Id  MGI:6152055 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.1800042
Citation  Grinberg-Bleyer Y, et al. (2018) The Alternative NF-kappaB Pathway in Regulatory T Cell Homeostasis and Suppressive Function. J Immunol 200(7):2362-2371
abstractText  CD4(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential regulators of immune responses. Perturbation of Treg homeostasis or function can lead to uncontrolled inflammation and autoimmunity. Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in Treg biology remains an active area of investigation. It has been shown previously that the NF-kappaB family of transcription factors, in particular, the canonical pathway subunits, c-Rel and p65, are crucial for the development, maintenance, and function of Tregs. However, the role of the alternative NF-kappaB pathway components, p100 and RelB, in Treg biology remains unclear. In this article, we show that conditional deletion of the p100 gene, nfkb2, in Tregs, resulted in massive inflammation because of impaired suppressive function of nfkb2-deficient Tregs. Surprisingly, mice lacking RelB in Tregs did not exhibit the same phenotype. Instead, deletion of both relb and nfkb2 rescued the inflammatory phenotype, demonstrating an essential role for p100 as an inhibitor of RelB in Tregs. Our data therefore illustrate a new role for the alternative NF-kappaB signaling pathway in Tregs that has implications for the understanding of molecular pathways driving tolerance and immunity.
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