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Publication : Fetal Leydig cells dedifferentiate and serve as adult Leydig stem cells.

First Author  Shima Y Year  2018
Journal  Development Volume  145
Issue  23 PubMed ID  30518625
Mgi Jnum  J:272573 Mgi Id  MGI:6284092
Doi  10.1242/dev.169136 Citation  Shima Y, et al. (2018) Fetal Leydig cells dedifferentiate and serve as adult Leydig stem cells. Development 145(23):dev169136
abstractText  Previous studies have established that fetal Leydig cells (FLCs) and adult Leydig cells (ALCs) show distinct functional characteristics. However, the lineage relationship between FLCs and ALCs has not been clarified yet. Here, we reveal that a subset of FLCs dedifferentiate at fetal stages to give rise to ALCs at the pubertal stage. Moreover, the dedifferentiated cells contribute to the peritubular myoid cell and vascular pericyte populations in the neonatal testis, and these non-steroidogenic cells serve as potential ALC stem cells. We generated FLC lineage-specific Nr5a1 (Ad4BP/SF-1) gene-disrupted mice and mice lacking the fetal Leydig enhancer (FLE) of the Nr5a1 gene. Phenotypes of these mice support the conclusion that most of the ALCs arise from dedifferentiated FLCs, and that the FLE of the Nr5a1 gene is essential for both initial FLC differentiation and pubertal ALC redifferentiation.
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