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Publication : LRP1 loss in airway epithelium exacerbates smoke-induced oxidative damage and airway remodeling.

First Author  Garcia-Arcos I Year  2022
Journal  J Lipid Res Volume  63
Issue  4 Pages  100185
PubMed ID  35202607 Mgi Jnum  J:322832
Mgi Id  MGI:7259742 Doi  10.1016/j.jlr.2022.100185
Citation  Garcia-Arcos I, et al. (2022) LRP1 loss in airway epithelium exacerbates smoke-induced oxidative damage and airway remodeling. J Lipid Res 63(4):100185
abstractText  The LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) partakes in metabolic and signaling events regulated in a tissue-specific manner. The function of LRP1 in airways has not been studied. We aimed to study the function of LRP1 in smoke-induced disease. We found that bronchial epithelium of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and airway epithelium of mice exposed to smoke had increased LRP1 expression. We then knocked out LRP1 in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro and in airway epithelial club cells in mice. In vitro, LRP1 knockdown decreased cell migration and increased transforming growth factor beta activation. Tamoxifen-inducible airway-specific LRP1 knockout mice (club Lrp1(-/-)) induced after complete lung development had increased inflammation in the bronchoalveolar space and lung parenchyma at baseline. After 6 months of smoke exposure, club Lrp1(-/-) mice showed a combined restrictive and obstructive phenotype, with lower compliance, inspiratory capacity, and forced expiratory volume0.05/forced vital capacity than WT smoke-exposed mice. This was associated with increased values of Ashcroft fibrotic index. Proteomic analysis of room air exposed-club Lrp1(-/-) mice showed significantly decreased levels of proteins involved in cytoskeleton signaling and xenobiotic detoxification as well as decreased levels of glutathione. The proteome fingerprint created by smoke eclipsed many of the original differences, but club Lrp1(-/-) mice continued to have decreased lung glutathione levels and increased protein oxidative damage and airway cell proliferation. Therefore, LRP1 deficiency leads to greater lung inflammation and damage and exacerbates smoke-induced lung disease.
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