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Publication : Specific recruitment of protein kinase A to the immunoglobulin locus regulates class-switch recombination.

First Author  Vuong BQ Year  2009
Journal  Nat Immunol Volume  10
Issue  4 Pages  420-6
PubMed ID  19234474 Mgi Jnum  J:147785
Mgi Id  MGI:3842220 Doi  10.1038/ni.1708
Citation  Vuong BQ, et al. (2009) Specific recruitment of protein kinase A to the immunoglobulin locus regulates class-switch recombination. Nat Immunol 10(4):420-6
abstractText  Immunoglobulin class-switch recombination (CSR) requires activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID). Deamination of DNA by AID in transcribed switch (S) regions leads to double-stranded breaks in DNA that serve as obligatory CSR intermediates. Here we demonstrate that the catalytic and regulatory subunits of protein kinase A (PKA) were specifically recruited to S regions to promote the localized phosphorylation of AID, which led to binding of replication protein A and subsequent propagation of the CSR cascade. Accordingly, inactivation of PKA resulted in considerable disruption of CSR because of decreased AID phosphorylation and recruitment of replication protein A to S regions. We propose that PKA nucleates the formation of active AID complexes specifically on S regions to generate the high density of DNA lesions required for CSR.
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