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Publication : Antibody-mediated clearance of tau in primary mouse microglial cultures requires Fcγ-receptor binding and functional lysosomes.

First Author  Andersson CR Year  2019
Journal  Sci Rep Volume  9
Issue  1 Pages  4658
PubMed ID  30874605 Mgi Jnum  J:276800
Mgi Id  MGI:6307370 Doi  10.1038/s41598-019-41105-4
Citation  Andersson CR, et al. (2019) Antibody-mediated clearance of tau in primary mouse microglial cultures requires Fcgamma-receptor binding and functional lysosomes. Sci Rep 9(1):4658
abstractText  Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are characterized by the progressive spreading and accumulation of hyper-phosphorylated tau protein in the brain. Anti-tau antibodies have been shown to reduce tau pathology in in vivo models and antibody-mediated clearance of tau exerted by microglia has been proposed as a contributing factor. By subjecting primary microglia cultured in vitro to anti-phospho-tau antibodies in complex with pathological tau, we show that microglia internalise and degrade tau in a manner that is dependent on FcgammaR interaction and functional lysosomes. It has recently been discussed if anti-tau antibody effector-functions are required for induction of tau clearance. Using antibodies with compromised FcgammaR binding and non-compromised control antibodies we show that antibody effector functions are required for induction of microglial clearance of tau. Understanding the inflammatory consequences of targeting microglia using therapeutic antibodies is important when developing these molecules for clinical use. Using RNA sequencing, we show that treatment with anti-tau antibodies increases transcription of mRNA encoding pro-inflammatory markers, but that the mRNA expression profile of antibody-treated cells differ from the profile of LPS activated microglia. We further demonstrate that microglia activation alone is not sufficient to induce significant tau clearance.
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