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Publication : The ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ube2W regulates solubility of the Huntington's disease protein, huntingtin.

First Author  Wang B Year  2018
Journal  Neurobiol Dis Volume  109
Issue  Pt A Pages  127-136
PubMed ID  28986324 Mgi Jnum  J:259072
Mgi Id  MGI:6140916 Doi  10.1016/j.nbd.2017.10.002
Citation  Wang B, et al. (2018) The ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ube2W regulates solubility of the Huntington's disease protein, huntingtin. Neurobiol Dis 109(Pt A):127-136
abstractText  Huntington''s disease (HD) is caused by a CAG repeat expansion that encodes a polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in the HD disease protein, huntingtin (HTT). PolyQ expansion promotes misfolding and aggregation of mutant HTT (mHTT) within neurons. The cellular pathways, including ubiquitin-dependent processes, by which mHTT is regulated remain incompletely understood. Ube2W is the only ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2) known to ubiquitinate substrates at their amino (N)-termini, likely favoring substrates with disordered N-termini. By virtue of its N-terminal polyQ domain, HTT has an intrinsically disordered amino terminus. In studies employing immortalized cells, primary neurons and a knock-in (KI) mouse model of HD, we tested the effect of Ube2W deficiency on mHTT levels, aggregation and neurotoxicity. In cultured cells, deficiency of Ube2W activity markedly decreases mHTT aggregate formation and increases the level of soluble monomers, while reducing mHTT-induced cytotoxicity. Consistent with this result, the absence of Ube2W in HdhQ200 KI mice significantly increases levels of soluble monomeric mHTT while reducing insoluble oligomeric species. This study sheds light on the potential function of the non-canonical ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Ube2W, in this polyQ neurodegenerative disease.
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