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Publication : Gene dosage--limiting role of Aire in thymic expression, clonal deletion, and organ-specific autoimmunity.

First Author  Liston A Year  2004
Journal  J Exp Med Volume  200
Issue  8 Pages  1015-26
PubMed ID  15492124 Mgi Jnum  J:93912
Mgi Id  MGI:3510261 Doi  10.1084/jem.20040581
Citation  Liston A, et al. (2004) Gene dosage--limiting role of Aire in thymic expression, clonal deletion, and organ-specific autoimmunity. J Exp Med 200(8):1015-26
abstractText  Inactivation of the autoimmune regulator (Aire) gene causes a rare recessive disorder, autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome 1 (APS1), but it is not known if Aire-dependent tolerance mechanisms are susceptible to the quantitative genetic changes thought to underlie more common autoimmune diseases. In mice with a targeted mutation, complete loss of Aire abolished expression of an insulin promoter transgene in thymic epithelium, but had no effect in pancreatic islets or the testes. Loss of one copy of Aire diminished thymic expression of the endogenous insulin gene and the transgene, resulting in a 300% increase in islet-reactive CD4 T cells escaping thymic deletion in T cell receptor transgenic mice, and dramatically increased progression to diabetes. Thymic deletion induced by antigen under control of the thyroglobulin promoter was abolished in Aire homozygotes and less efficient in heterozygotes, providing an explanation for thyroid autoimmunity in APS1. In contrast, Aire deficiency had no effect on thymic deletion to antigen controlled by a systemic H-2K promoter. The sensitivity of Aire-dependent thymic deletion to small reductions in function makes this pathway a prime candidate for more subtle autoimmune quantitative trait loci, and suggests that methods to increase Aire activity would be a potent strategy to lower the incidence of organ-specific autoimmunity.
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