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Publication : Salt-sensitive hypertension in bradykinin B2 receptor knockout mice.

First Author  Alfie ME Year  1996
Journal  Biochem Biophys Res Commun Volume  224
Issue  3 Pages  625-30
PubMed ID  8713099 Mgi Jnum  J:34497
Mgi Id  MGI:81953 Doi  10.1006/bbrc.1996.1076
Citation  Alfie ME, et al. (1996) Salt-sensitive hypertension in bradykinin B2 receptor knockout mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 224(3):625-30
abstractText  The kallikrein-kinin system regulates water and sodium excretion and thus plays a role in blood pressure (BP) homeostasis. We tested the hypothesis that mice lacking the gene encoding for the bradykinin B2 receptor (B2-KO) have a greater hypertensive response to chronic high Na+ intake (salt sensitivity) compared to controls. We also obtained dose-response curves for different vasoactive substances in both groups. The hypertensive effect of high Na+ intake was almost doubled in B2-KO mice compared to controls. A high-Na+ diet increased heart and kidney weight in B2-KO, but not in controls, suggesting an increased afterload in B2-KO mice. The BP response to bradykinin was completely abolished in B2-KO, but that to acetylcholine was conserved. The hypertensive response to angiotensin II was not exaggerated in B2-KO mice. This study describes a new salt-sensitive animal model and suggests that in mice kinins play a role in preventing salt-sensitive hypertension.
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