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Publication : POMC neuropeptides and their receptors in the neuromuscular system of wobbler mice.

First Author  Smith ME Year  1994
Journal  J Neurol Sci Volume  124 Suppl
Pages  56-8 PubMed ID  7807142
Mgi Jnum  J:35068 Mgi Id  MGI:82522
Doi  10.1016/0022-510x(94)90178-3 Citation  Smith ME, et al. (1994) POMC neuropeptides and their receptors in the neuromuscular system of wobbler mice. J Neurol Sci 124 Suppl:56-8
abstractText  The pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides, beta-endorphin (beta-EP), ACTH and alpha-MSH act in concert to promote synaptogenesis and nerve growth in the neuromuscular system. Immunocytochemistry was used to detect the peptides in triceps muscles of normal developing and adult mice and in adult wobbler mice with motor neurone disease. Immunoreactivity for beta-EP and alpha-MSH/ACTH was present in some intramuscular motor nerves. There was a significantly higher proportion of immunoreactive nerves in the muscles of the developing and the diseased mice than in the normal adults. ACTH and beta-EP receptors were revealed using autoradiography. Specific binding sites for 125I-labelled ACTH and 125I-labelled beta-EP were present in some fibres in all muscles examined. There were significantly higher proportions of fibres exhibiting specific beta-EP and specific ACTH binding sites in the muscles of the developing and the diseased mice compared to the muscles of normal adults. It seems likely that the high incidence of immunoreactive nerves and of muscle fibres with the peptide receptors in the developing and diseased mice reflects the trophic actions of the peptides in the neuromuscular system.
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