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Publication : MDMX acidic domain inhibits p53 DNA binding in vivo and regulates tumorigenesis.

First Author  Huang Q Year  2018
Journal  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume  115
Issue  15 Pages  E3368-E3377
PubMed ID  29581299 Mgi Jnum  J:261424
Mgi Id  MGI:6153679 Doi  10.1073/pnas.1719090115
Citation  Huang Q, et al. (2018) MDMX acidic domain inhibits p53 DNA binding in vivo and regulates tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(15):E3368-E3377
abstractText  The MDM2 homolog MDMX oncoprotein is indispensable for inhibition of p53 during normal embryonic development and malignant transformation, yet how MDMX harnesses p53 functions is unclear. In addition to a canonical N-terminal p53-binding domain, recent work suggests the central acidic domain of MDMX regulates p53 interaction through intramolecular mimicry and engages in second-site interaction with the p53 core domain in vitro. To test the physiological relevance of these interactions, we generated an MDMX knockin mouse having substitutions in a conserved WW motif necessary for these functions (W201S/W202G). Notably, MDMX(SG) cells have normal p53 level but increased p53 DNA binding and target gene expression, and rapidly senesce. In vivo, MDMX(SG) inhibits early-phase disease in Emicro-Myc transgenic mice but accelerates the onset of lethal lymphoma and shortens overall survival. Therefore, MDMX is an important regulator of p53 DNA binding, which complements the role of MDM2 in regulating p53 level. Furthermore, the results suggest that the WW motif has dual functions that regulate p53 and inhibit Myc-driven lymphomas independent of p53.
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