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Publication : A new mutation involving the sublingual gland in NFS/N mice. Partially arrested mucous cell differentiation.

First Author  Hayashi Y Year  1988
Journal  Am J Pathol Volume  132
Issue  2 Pages  187-91
PubMed ID  3400771 Mgi Jnum  J:9277
Mgi Id  MGI:57739 Citation  Hayashi Y, et al. (1988) A new mutation involving the sublingual gland in NFS/N mice. Partially arrested mucous cell differentiation. Am J Pathol 132(2):187-91
abstractText  A new mutation in mice affecting the mucous cell differentiation of the sublingual glands is described. The normal mouse sublingual glands are mucus-secreting and virtually all the acinar cells differentiate to mucus-rich cells by the day of birth. In contrast, all endpieces of newborn mutant mice consisted of acini of immature cuboidal cells. However, normal mucous cells, staining intensively with mucin-specific stains such as Alcian blue at pH 2.5 or mucicarmine, appeared in the mutant mice from an early age singly or in groups in a small number of acini, and their number apparently increased with age to occupy over 30% of the total acinar cells. Ultrastructurally, irregular secretion granules of varying electron-density, distinct from ordinary sublingual mucin granules, were frequently observed in the cytoplasm of the immature acinar cells in the mutant phenotype. The genetic analysis showed that a single autosomal recessive gene determined the observed abnormality. This is the first salivary gland mutation and will provide a critical model for the study of salivary mucous cell differentiation.
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