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Publication : Actinin-associated LIM protein-deficient mice maintain normal development and structure of skeletal muscle.

First Author  Jo K Year  2001
Journal  Mol Cell Biol Volume  21
Issue  5 Pages  1682-7
PubMed ID  11238905 Mgi Jnum  J:67358
Mgi Id  MGI:1930426 Doi  10.1128/MCB.21.5.1682-1687.2001
Citation  Jo K, et al. (2001) Actinin-associated LIM protein-deficient mice maintain normal development and structure of skeletal muscle. Mol Cell Biol 21(5):1682-7
abstractText  The actinin-associated LIM protein, ALP, is the prototype of a large family of proteins containing an N-terminal PDZ domain and a C-terminal LIM domain. These PDZ-LIM proteins are components of the muscle cytoskeleton and occur along the Z lines owing to interaction of the PDZ domain with the spectrin-like repeats of alpha-actinin. Because PDZ and LIM domains are typically found in proteins that mediate cellular signaling, PDZ-LIM proteins are suspected to participate in muscle development. Interestingly the ALP gene occurs at 4q35 near the heterochromatic region mutated in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, indicating a possible role for ALP in this disease. Here, we describe the generation and analysis of mice lacking the ALP gene. Surprisingly, the ALP knockout mice show no gross histological abnormalities and maintain sarcolemmal integrity as determined by serum pyruvate kinase assays. The absence of a dystrophic phenotype in these mice suggests that down-regulation of ALP does not participate in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. These data suggest that ALP does not participate in muscle development or that an alternative PDZ-LIM protein can compensate for the lack of ALP.
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