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Allele : Del(5Rr45-Lmbr1)1Dje deletion, Chr5, Douglas J Epstein 1

Primary Identifier  MGI:6836767 Allele Type  Targeted
Attribute String  Modified regulatory region, Null/knockout Gene  Del(5Rr45-Lmbr1)1Dje
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  Genomic sequence chr5:29,413,901–29,642,246 (build GRCm37 mm9), which includes Ssh brain enhancer SBE5 and Shh enhancers MFCS4, MACS1 and MFCS1 (ZRS) and the Rnf32 gene and 3' part of the Lmbr1 gene, was deleted through cre-mediated recombination between loxP sites in Sleeping Beauty transposon sensor alleles ShhSB1 and Z2D.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion,
  • Intergenic deletion,
  • Intragenic deletion
  • synonyms:
  • Del(C1-Z),
  • Shh<deltaSBE5>,
  • Del(C1-Z),
  • Shh<deltaSBE5>
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