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Allele : Slc6a3<tm1(cre)Xz> solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, dopamine), member 3; targeted mutation 1, Xiaoxi Zhuang

Primary Identifier  MGI:3691571 Allele Type  Targeted
Attribute String  Recombinase Gene  Slc6a3
Transmission  Germline Strain of Origin  129S1/Sv-Oca2<+> Tyr<+> Kitl<+>
Is Recombinase  true Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  A targeting vector was constructed by inserting a cassette with the cre recombinase coding sequence, a nuclear translocation signal, and a PGK-neo gene flanked by FRT sites, into the 5'-UTR of the Slc6a3 gene. After homologous recombination in ES cells, mice with cre recombinase expressed from the Slc6a3 gene were produced. Knockin mice were crossed with transgenic Flp deleter mice to remove the neo marker. A line was established where the neo was removed and the Flp transgene was absent. Cre recombinase expression is detected in the ventral tegmental area (VAT) and substantia nigra zona compacta (SNc).
  • mutations:
  • Insertion
  • synonyms:
  • DAT-cre,
  • Slc6a3<Cre>,
  • Slc6a3<Cre>,
  • DAT-cre
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