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Publication : Genes affect the timing of early mouse embryo development.

First Author  Goldbard SB Year  1982
Journal  Biol Reprod Volume  27
Issue  2 Pages  419-24
PubMed ID  7126740 Mgi Jnum  J:6874
Mgi Id  MGI:55346 Doi  10.1095/biolreprod27.2.419
Citation  Goldbard SB, et al. (1982) Genes affect the timing of early mouse embryo development. Biol Reprod 27(2):419-24
abstractText  The rate of preimplantation mouse embryo development was found to be influenced by genes both within and outside the H-2 complex. An H-2 associated gene, called Ped, was shown to govern either fast or slow development. Analysis of congenic strains on a C57BL/10Sn background showed that fast development is associated with the b, d, q, s, and u haplotypes, whereas slow development is associated with the k and r haplotypes. Analysis of the recombinant haplotype, a suggested that the fast Ped gene maps to the D end of the H-2 complex. The study of congenic strains on a BALB/c background has shown that background genes, as well as the H-2 associated Ped gene, play a role in the control of the rate of early embryonic cleavage.
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