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Publication : Synapsis in single and double heterozygotes for partially overlapping inversions in chromosome 1 of the house mouse.

First Author  Borodin PM Year  1990
Journal  Chromosoma Volume  99
Issue  5 Pages  365-70
PubMed ID  2265572 Mgi Jnum  J:10911
Mgi Id  MGI:59355 Doi  10.1007/BF01731725
Citation  Borodin PM, et al. (1990) Synapsis in single and double heterozygotes for partially overlapping inversions in chromosome 1 of the house mouse. Chromosoma 99(5):365-70
abstractText  Electron microscopic (EM) analysis of synaptonemal complexes (SC) in single and double heterozygotes for the partially overlapping inversions In(1)1Icg, In(1)1Rk and In(1)12Rk in chromosome 1 of the house mouse reveals that synapsis and synaptic adjustment are dependent on the size and location of the inversions and interaction between the latter. Is(1)1Icg contains insertions of the inverted repeats Is(HSR;1C5)1Icg and Is(HSR;1D)2Icg and an inverted euchromatic region. Synaptic adjustment of the D-loops by shortening of the asynapsed segments of the lateral elements belonging to the insertions occurs at the late zytogene to early pachytene stage. Synaptic adjustment of the inversion loops takes place at early to late pachytene. A delay in adjustment was found in the double heterozygotes In(1)1Icg/In(1)1Rk and In(1)1Icg/In(1)12Rk. A correspondence between the lifespan of asynapsis in inverted regions and the probability of association of XY and heteromorphic bivalents was revealed.
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