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Publication : The mouse vitronectin receptor is a T cell activation antigen.

First Author  Moulder K Year  1991
Journal  J Exp Med Volume  173
Issue  2 Pages  343-7
PubMed ID  1703206 Mgi Jnum  J:10951
Mgi Id  MGI:59393 Doi  10.1084/jem.173.2.343
Citation  Moulder K, et al. (1991) The mouse vitronectin receptor is a T cell activation antigen. J Exp Med 173(2):343-7
abstractText  In this report, we demonstrate that the T cell activation antigen, recognized by monoclonal antibody H9.2B8, is the murine homologue of the vitronectin receptor (VNR) and, thereby, we provide initial evidence that VNR is expressed on lymphoid cells. VNR is expressed on a variety of T cell lines, tumors, and Con A-activated splenocytes, but not resting T cells, and is capable of binding to the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin, fibrinogen, and vitronectin, via the tripeptide sequence RGD. There was no evidence of novel beta chains pairing with the VNR alpha chain, as has been demonstrated in some human cells. In view of recent studies demonstrating that this molecule functions as an accessory molecule in T cell activation, the VNR may play an important role in mouse T cell functions.
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