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Publication : Biometrical genetic analysis of blood pressure level in the genetically hypertensive mouse.

First Author  Schlager G Year  1994
Journal  Clin Exp Hypertens Volume  16
Issue  6 Pages  809-24
PubMed ID  7858561 Mgi Jnum  J:21671
Mgi Id  MGI:69598 Doi  10.3109/10641969409078027
Citation  Schlager G (1994) Biometrical genetic analysis of blood pressure level in the genetically hypertensive mouse. Clin Exp Hypertens 16(6):809-24
abstractText  Hypertensive mice of the inbred strain BPH/2 were mated to mice of the inbred hypotensive BPL/1, and their hybrid offspring were crossed and intercrossed. The systolic blood pressures of the resulting ten populations were then subjected to a biometrical genetic analysis to determine the mode of inheritance of genes regulating blood pressure in these strains. It was found that the inheritance of elevated blood pressure was due, primarily, to the additive effects of three to five genes. There was no evidence that genetic dominance or epistasis were involved in the genetic control of blood pressure in these strains.
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