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Publication : Hippocampal morphology in the inbred mouse strains NZB and CBA/H and their reciprocal congenics for the nonpseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome.

First Author  Guillot PV Year  1996
Journal  Behav Genet Volume  26
Issue  1 Pages  1-5
PubMed ID  8852726 Mgi Jnum  J:31768
Mgi Id  MGI:79254 Doi  10.1007/BF02361153
Citation  Guillot PV, et al. (1996) Hippocampal morphology in the inbred mouse strains NZB and CBA/H and their reciprocal congenics for the nonpseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome. Behav Genet 26(1):1-5
abstractText  The effects of the nonpseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome (Y-NPAR) On hippocampal morphology have been investigated in the inbred mouse strains NZB/B1NJ and CBA/ H, using comparisons between the two parentals and their respective congenics N.H-Y-NPAR and H.N-Y-NPAR. Results obtained depend upon the hippocampal variable measured. Y- NPAR had effect on the sizes of the stratum oriens, hilus, or messy fiber terminal fields (both suprapyramidal and intra- and infrapyramidal). However, in interaction with the strain background, it affected the strata lacunosum- moleculare, radiatum, and pyramidale. Possible relationships among gene(s), messy fiber terminal fields, and intermale aggression are discussed.
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