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Publication : Lipid mediators of insulin resistance: ceramide signalling down-regulates GLUT4 gene transcription in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

First Author  Long SD Year  1996
Journal  Biochem J Volume  319 ( Pt 1)
Pages  179-84 PubMed ID  8870666
Mgi Jnum  J:35889 Mgi Id  MGI:83332
Doi  10.1042/bj3190179 Citation  Long SD, et al. (1996) Lipid mediators of insulin resistance: ceramide signalling down-regulates GLUT4 gene transcription in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biochem J 319(Pt 1):179-84
abstractText  We have previously demonstrated that chronic exposure of 3T3-L1 adipocytes to tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) resulted in a marked decrease (approximately 90%) in cellular GLUT4 (insulin-responsive glucose transporter) mRNA content as a result of a decreased transcription rate of the GLUT4 gene (approximately 75%) and a reduced half-life of its mRNA (9 to 4.5 h). Investigation of the signalling mechanism responsible for this regulation demonstrated that in the 3T3-L1 adipocytes, sphingomyelin levels decreased to 50% of control levels within 40 min of exposure to TNF, consistent with activation of a sphingomyelinase. In the same manner as with TNF, treatment of the adipocytes with 1-3 microM C6-ceramide, a membrane-permeable analogue of ceramide, decreased GLUT4 mRNA content by approximately 60%. Subsequent investigations revealed that transcription of the GLUT4 gene was reduced by approximately 65% in response to C6-ceramide, demonstrating that the decrease in mRNA content is mediated by a reduction in the transcription of the genc. No effect on GLUT4 mRNA stability was observed after exposure of the adipocytes to C6-ceramide. These observations are interesting in light of our previous data demonstrating that TNF affects both GLUT4 transcription and mRNA stability in the 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In conclusion, the effect of ceramide on GLUT4 gene expression is at the level of transcription, suggesting that another pathway controls mRNA stability. These data establish that ceramide-initiated signal transduction pathways exist within the adipocyte, and provide a potential mechanism for control of GLUT4 gene expression.
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