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Publication : Nucleotide sequence of a marsupial interleukin-10 cDNA from the Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula).

First Author  Wedlock DN Year  1998
Journal  DNA Seq Volume  9
Issue  4 Pages  239-44
PubMed ID  10520755 Mgi Jnum  J:59537
Mgi Id  MGI:1351773 Doi  10.3109/10425179809105211
Citation  Wedlock DN, et al. (1998) Nucleotide sequence of a marsupial interleukin-10 cDNA from the Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). DNA Seq 9(4):239-44
abstractText  A cDNA encoding a marsupial interleukin-10 (IL-10), was isolated from Australian brushtail possum alveolar macrophages. The cDNA of 1604 bp had an open reading frame of 522 bp coding for a protein of 174 amino acids. Its deduced amino acid sequence had an identity of 60% with cat, 58% with pig, 56% with human and cow, 52% with mouse and 53% with rat IL-10. The expression of IL-10 was up-regulated in both LPS-stimulated and Mycobacterium bovis-infected possum alveolar macrophages.
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