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Publication : Induction of mucosal and systemic immune responses against human carcinoembryonic antigen by an oral vaccine.

First Author  Huang Y Year  2005
Journal  Cancer Res Volume  65
Issue  15 Pages  6990-9
PubMed ID  16061685 Mgi Jnum  J:100769
Mgi Id  MGI:3589517 Doi  10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-3669
Citation  Huang Y, et al. (2005) Induction of mucosal and systemic immune responses against human carcinoembryonic antigen by an oral vaccine. Cancer Res 65(15):6990-9
abstractText  Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor-associated antigen targeted for the development of colorectal tumor vaccines. In this study, we developed papillomavirus pseudoviruses encoding the truncated CEA without NH2-terminal signal peptide (PV-CEA) as an oral vaccine to induce CEA-specific CTL responses. In CEA transgenic (CEA-Tg) mice orally immunized with PV-CEA, the immunologic tolerance to CEA as a 'self-antigen' was overcome and both mucosal and systemic CEA-specific cytolytic activities were detected by in vitro 51Cr release assays. In a tumor prevention model, the growth rate of CEA+ tumors was significantly delayed in CEA-Tg mice orally immunized with PV-CEA when compared with the control vaccine. Further, the IFN-gamma enzyme-linked ImmunoSPOT and in vitro 51Cr release assay results showed that HLA-A2-restricted, CEA-specific CTL responses were induced in both mucosal and systemic lymphoid tissues in A2 transgenic mice after oral immunization with PV-CEA. Finally, we showed that coadministration of papillomavirus pseudoviruses encoding interleukin-2 with PV-CEA enhanced the generation of A2-restricted, CEA-specific CTLs in aged CEA/A2 double transgenic mice, which were more clinically relevant. Our data suggest that PV-CEA pseudovirus vaccine is a promising oral CEA vaccine for humans to induce CEA-specific CTLs at the site of colorectal tumors (i.e., intestinal mucosa), which might efficiently eliminate CEA+ colorectal tumor cells in the mucosa.
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