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Publication : Nondisjunction rates of mouse chromosomes involved in heterozygous Rb rearrangements measured by chromosome painting of spermatocytes. II. The effects of trivalent combinations and genetic background.

First Author  Scascitelli M Year  2006
Journal  Cytogenet Genome Res Volume  112
Issue  3-4 Pages  256-60
PubMed ID  16484781 Mgi Jnum  J:106046
Mgi Id  MGI:3617270 Doi  10.1159/000089879
Citation  Scascitelli M, et al. (2006) Nondisjunction rates of mouse chromosomes involved in heterozygous Rb rearrangements measured by chromosome painting of spermatocytes. II. The effects of trivalent combinations and genetic background. Cytogenet Genome Res 112(3-4):256-60
abstractText  Chromosome specific nondisjunction rates were quantified by dual-colour FISH in spermatocytes II of Robertsonian heterozygous mice with different trivalent combinations or, alternatively, with different genetic backgrounds. We found that such factors do not influence the proneness to nondisjunction of specific chromosomes.
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