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Publication : Regulation of post-translational modifications of muskelin by protein kinase C.

First Author  Prag S Year  2007
Journal  Int J Biochem Cell Biol Volume  39
Issue  2 Pages  366-78
PubMed ID  17049906 Mgi Jnum  J:115891
Mgi Id  MGI:3692359 Doi  10.1016/j.biocel.2006.09.003
Citation  Prag S, et al. (2007) Regulation of post-translational modifications of muskelin by protein kinase C. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 39(2):366-378
abstractText  Muskelin is a member of the kelch-repeat superfamily of proteins, identified as an intracellular protein involved in cell spreading responses to thombospondin-1. Muskelin is expressed by many adult tissues and has an evolutionarily conserved, multidomain architecture consisting of an amino-terminal discoidin-like domain, a central alpha-helical region and six kelch-repeats that are predicted to form a beta-propeller structure. We previous demonstrated that muskelin molecules undergo head-to-tail association, however the physiological, post-translational regulation of muskelin is not well understood. Here, we have examined the expression of muskelin during mouse embryonic development and report widespread expression that includes muscle tissues, multiple epithelia and the brain. In cultured skeletal myoblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells, muskelin exists as a complex set of isoelectric variants. Five potential sites for phosphorylation by protein kinase C (PKC), are conserved between vertebrate and Drosophila muskelins, therefore we examined the hypothesis that muskelin is regulated post-translationally by PKC activity. We demonstrate that PKC activation or inhibition regulates the profile of endogenous muskelin isoelectric variants and that muskelin is a substrate for PKCalphain vitro. Wild-type GFP-muskelin and a panel of alanine point mutations were used to test the sensitivity of self-association to PKC activation. Mutation of two of the sites, S324 and T515, partially inhibited the ability of muskelin to self-associate in cells and inhibited responsiveness to activated PKC. Interestingly, both sites are predicted to lie in surface-exposed loops on the same side of the beta-propeller, implicating a common binding interface.
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