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Publication : Neurotrophin-4 regulates the survival of gustatory neurons earlier in development using a different mechanism than brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

First Author  Patel AV Year  2012
Journal  Dev Biol Volume  365
Issue  1 Pages  50-60
PubMed ID  22353733 Mgi Jnum  J:184933
Mgi Id  MGI:5426752 Doi  10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.02.008
Citation  Patel AV, et al. (2012) Neurotrophin-4 regulates the survival of gustatory neurons earlier in development using a different mechanism than brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Dev Biol 365(1):50-60
abstractText  The number of neurons in the geniculate ganglion that are available to innervate taste buds is regulated by neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Our goal for the current study was to examine the timing and mechanism of NT-4-mediated regulation of geniculate neuron number during development. We discovered that NT-4 mutant mice lose 33% of their geniculate neuronal cells between E10.5 and E11.5. By E11.5, geniculate axons have just reached the tongue and do not yet innervate their gustatory targets; thus, NT-4 does not function as a target-derived growth factor. At E11.5, no difference was observed in proliferating cells or the rate at which cells exit the cell cycle between NT-4 mutant and wild type ganglia. Instead, there was an increase in TUNEL-labeling, indicating an increase in cell death in Ntf4(-/-) mice compared with wild types. However, activated caspase-3, which is up-regulated in the absence of BDNF, was not increased. This finding indicates that cell death initiated by NT-4-removal occurs through a different cell death pathway than BDNF-removal. We observed no additional postnatal loss of taste buds or neurons in Ntf4(-/-) mice. Thus, during early embryonic development, NT-4 produced in the ganglion and along the projection pathway inhibits cell death through an activated caspase-3 independent mechanism. Therefore, compared to BDNF, NT-4 plays distinct roles in gustatory development; differences include timing, source of neurotrophin, and mechanism of action.
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