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Publication : Incomplete methylation reprogramming in SCNT embryos.

First Author  Peat JR Year  2012
Journal  Nat Genet Volume  44
Issue  9 Pages  965-6
PubMed ID  22932499 Mgi Jnum  J:190028
Mgi Id  MGI:5447864 Doi  10.1038/ng.2393
Citation  Peat JR, et al. (2012) Incomplete methylation reprogramming in SCNT embryos. Nat Genet 44(9):965-6
abstractText  The cloning of Dolly the sheep was a remarkable demonstration of the oocyte's ability to reprogram a specialized nucleus. However, embryos derived from such somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) very rarely result in live births-a fate that may be linked to observed epigenetic defects. A new genome-wide study shows that epigenetic reprogramming in SCNT embryos does not fully recapitulate the natural DNA demethylation events occurring at fertilization, resulting in aberrant methylation at some promoters and repetitive elements that may contribute to developmental failure.
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