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Publication : Prolactin synergizes with canonical Wnt signals to drive development of ER+ mammary tumors via activation of the Notch pathway.

First Author  O'Leary KA Year  2021
Journal  Cancer Lett Volume  503
Pages  231-239 PubMed ID  33472091
Mgi Jnum  J:303848 Mgi Id  MGI:6511859
Doi  10.1016/j.canlet.2021.01.012 Citation  O'Leary KA, et al. (2021) Prolactin synergizes with canonical Wnt signals to drive development of ER+ mammary tumors via activation of the Notch pathway. Cancer Lett 503:231-239
abstractText  Prolactin (PRL) cooperates with other factors to orchestrate mammary development and lactation, and is epidemiologically linked to higher risk for breast cancer. However, how PRL collaborates with oncogenes to foster tumorigenesis and influence breast cancer phenotype is not well understood. To understand its interactions with canonical Wnt signals, which elevate mammary stem cell activity, we crossed heterozygous NRL-PRL mice with Apc(Min/+) mice and treated pubertal females with a single dose of mutagen. PRL in the context of Apc(Min/+) fueled a dramatic increase in tumor incidence in nulliparous mice, compared to Apc(Min/+) alone. Although carcinomas in both NRL-PRL/Apc(Min/+) and Apc(Min/+) females acquired a mutation in the remaining wildtype Apc allele and expressed abundant beta-catenin, PRL-promoted tumors displayed higher levels of Notch-driven target genes and Notch-dependent cancer stem cell activity, compared to beta-catenin-driven activity in Apc(Min/+) tumors. This PRL-induced shift to dominant Notch signals was evident in preneoplastic epithelial hyperplasias at 120 days of age. In NRL-PRL/Apc(Min/+) females, rapidly proliferating hyperplasias, characterized by beta-catenin at cell junctions and high NOTCH1 expression, contrasted with slower growing lesions with nuclear beta-catenin in Apc(Min/+) females. These studies demonstrate that PRL can powerfully modulate the incidence and phenotype of mammary tumors, shedding light on mechanisms whereby PRL elevates risk of breast cancer.
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