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Publication : tRNA overexpression rescues peripheral neuropathy caused by mutations in tRNA synthetase.

First Author  Zuko A Year  2021
Journal  Science Volume  373
Issue  6559 Pages  1161-1166
PubMed ID  34516840 Mgi Jnum  J:310163
Mgi Id  MGI:6761365 Doi  10.1126/science.abb3356
Citation  Zuko A, et al. (2021) tRNA overexpression rescues peripheral neuropathy caused by mutations in tRNA synthetase. Science 373(6559):1161-1166
abstractText  Heterozygous mutations in six transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetase genes cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) peripheral neuropathy. CMT mutant tRNA synthetases inhibit protein synthesis by an unknown mechanism. We found that CMT mutant glycyl-tRNA synthetases bound tRNAGly but failed to release it, resulting in tRNAGly sequestration. This sequestration potentially depleted the cellular tRNAGly pool, leading to insufficient glycyl-tRNAGly supply to the ribosome. Accordingly, we found ribosome stalling at glycine codons and activation of the integrated stress response (ISR) in affected motor neurons. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of tRNAGly rescued protein synthesis, peripheral neuropathy, and ISR activation in Drosophila and mouse CMT disease type 2D (CMT2D) models. Conversely, inactivation of the ribosome rescue factor GTPBP2 exacerbated peripheral neuropathy. Our findings suggest a molecular mechanism for CMT2D, and elevating tRNAGly levels may thus have therapeutic potential.
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