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Publication : The TNFR2-TRAF signaling complex contains two novel proteins related to baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis proteins.

First Author  Rothe M Year  1995
Journal  Cell Volume  83
Issue  7 Pages  1243-52
PubMed ID  8548810 Mgi Jnum  J:30406
Mgi Id  MGI:77917 Doi  10.1016/0092-8674(95)90149-3
Citation  Rothe M, et al. (1995) The TNFR2-TRAF signaling complex contains two novel proteins related to baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis proteins. Cell 83(7):1243-52
abstractText  The 75 kDa tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR2) transduces extracellular signals via receptor-associated cytoplasmic proteins. Two of these signal transducers, TRAF1 and TRAF2, were isolated and characterized previously. We report here the biochemical purification and subsequent molecular cloning of two novel TNFR2-associated proteins, designated c-IAP1 and c-IAP2, that are closely related mammalian members of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family originally identified in baculoviruses. The viral and cellular IAPs contain N-terminal baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) motifs and a C-terminal RING finger. The c-IAPs do not directly contact TNFR2, but rather associate with TRAF1 and TRAF2 through their N-terminal BIR motif-comprising domain. The recruitment of c-IAP1 or c-IAP2 to the TNFR2 signaling complex requires a TRAF2-TRAF1 heterocomplex.
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