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Publication : An intronless gene encoding a poly(A) polymerase is specifically expressed in testis.

First Author  Lee YJ Year  2000
Journal  FEBS Lett Volume  487
Issue  2 Pages  287-92
PubMed ID  11150526 Mgi Jnum  J:67004
Mgi Id  MGI:1929592 Doi  10.1016/s0014-5793(00)02367-x
Citation  Lee YJ, et al. (2000) An intronless gene encoding a poly(A) polymerase is specifically expressed in testis. FEBS Lett 487(2):287-92
abstractText  Previous work demonstrated that a single pre-mRNA could generate multiple forms of mammalian poly(A) polymerase mRNAs by alternative splicing or alternative polyadenylation. A cDNA encoding a testis-specific poly(A) polymerase was isolated in this study. The transcription level of Papt in testis of a 2 weeks old mouse was much lower than that of the general poly(A) polymerase gene, Pap. However, the transcription ratio of Papt to Pap was reversed in testis of a 4 weeks old mouse. Transient expression analysis showed that GFP-Papt fusion protein is present both in the nucleus and cytoplasm of HeLa cells. These results suggest that Papt is involved in polyadenylation of transcripts expressed during spermatogenesis.
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