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Publication : Structure of the mouse IL-10 gene and chromosomal localization of the mouse and human genes.

First Author  Kim JM Year  1992
Journal  J Immunol Volume  148
Issue  11 Pages  3618-23
PubMed ID  1350294 Mgi Jnum  J:1031
Mgi Id  MGI:49563 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.148.11.3618
Citation  Kim JM, et al. (1992) Structure of the mouse IL-10 gene and chromosomal localization of the mouse and human genes. J Immunol 148(11):3618-23
abstractText  The nucleotide sequence of a 7.2-kb segment containing the mouse IL-10 (mIL-10) gene was determined. Comparison to the mIL-10 cDNA sequence (Moore, K. W., et al. 1990. Science 248:1230; 250:494) revealed the presence of five exons that span approximately 5.1 kb of genomic DNA. The noncoding regions of the mIL-10 gene contain sequences that have been associated with transcriptional regulation of several cytokine genes. The mIL-10 gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 1 and the human IL-10 gene was also mapped to human chromosome 1.
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