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Publication : Strain-specific complementation between NRIF1 and NRIF2, two zinc finger proteins sharing structural and biochemical properties.

First Author  Benzel I Year  2001
Journal  Gene Volume  281
Issue  1-2 Pages  19-30
PubMed ID  11750124 Mgi Jnum  J:73942
Mgi Id  MGI:2157219 Doi  10.1016/s0378-1119(01)00730-2
Citation  Benzel I, et al. (2001) Strain-specific complementation between NRIF1 and NRIF2, two zinc finger proteins sharing structural and biochemical properties. Gene 281(1-2):19-30
abstractText  The zinc finger protein NRIF (neurotrophin receptor interacting factor) was originally identified by virtue of its interaction with the neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) and its participation in embryonic apoptosis. Targeted deletion of the nrif gene in mice is embryonically lethal in the C57BL6 genetic background, where it blocks cell cycle progression, but not in the Sv129 strain. We have now identified a second, highly homologous nrif gene, designated nrif2, encoding a protein with similar structural and biochemical properties as well as subcellular distribution as NRIF1, and whose over-expression in transfected fibroblasts also correlates with impaired BrdU incorporation. Unexpectedly, the nrif2 transcript becomes significantly upregulated in nrif1-/- mice only in Sv129, the genetic background where the mutants are viable, suggesting that the functional complementation of the two nrif genes may be strain-specific.
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